Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Campaign Overview Tab

The Campaign Overview tab provides an overview of key campaign metrics for active (started) campaigns. This includes start dates and end dates, current status, tactics, and a summary of results, totals and campaign activity. It also displays all tactics in a panel across the bottom of the screen to give users an immediate snapshot of the campaign's creative assets.

The Campaign Overview tab is divided into four sections:

  • Properties
  • Brief
  • Metrics
  • Tactics


Properties define the general attributes of a Campaign:

The following table describes the Properties fields:

Field Name Description
Program Programs allow related campaigns to be grouped together. They provide a global set of inclusion and exclusion rules that can be applied to all child campaigns. This is different to the segmentation functionality available on the campaign Audience tab, which applies to that specific campaign only. Program rules provide the universe for the campaign, and any segmentation done at campaign level is a subset of that universe. Programs can be set up by administrators from the Campaign Manager screen.
Stop Process The Stop Process date is a threshold at which the campaign will no longer implement any tactics or carry out any track polling. It will then allow campaigns to collect event information past the stop process date. However no actions are performed, for example, recipients will not move between tracks and tactics will not be implemented. Events are collected until the campaign end date.
Start Date Every campaign has a start date. It is the date a campaign will begin to process. Note that Audience processing begins at the time specified in the Start track.
End Date The End Date is the date that all campaign activity will end. If the End Date is blank, the campaign will continue to run perpetually until an end date is entered, or the campaign is cancelled.
Campaign Key Determines who the campaign is aimed at, via the resolution level of the campaign output. This could be a household or account key, but would usually be a customer reference number. It is vital that the following rules are adhered to:
  • The Campaign Key must remain unchanged during the life of the campaign and should be set as soon as possible during the initial setup of a campaign to avoid errors.
  • You can only set one campaign key per table.
Segmentation States whether the campaign is a Track or Grid segmentation campaign.
Generate Campaign History The check box is selected by default. If it is not selected, you can create a campaign that does not add any history. This is useful if, for example, you want to create an all-customer notification or a test campaign.
Campaign Status This field is automatically generated. Possible statuses include Editing, Active , Cancelled , Approving and Paused.

Click the Validate button to obtain confirmation that the campaign is ready to be started and that all required parameters have been entered. For example, a campaign cannot be started until at least one tactic has been added. Note that the Validate button does not verify the logic of your campaign. It will simply check for tools, variables and other campaign elements that have been implemented but are not fully configured. For example, if you drag the Implement Tactic tool into a track, but forget to choose an available tactic from the drop-down, the validation will catch this discrepancy and warn you so that you can avoid unnecessary errors after starting the campaign.

Validate will check a certain level of calculation logic so any in-line engineering will execute as part of this process

Run Test Allows the campaign to be run in test mode when the campaign is in an editing state.
Start Starts the campaign. Any tactics that have been set to begin immediately will fire off, generating output files and email deployments where these have been set up. If you want to edit a campaign that has already been started, you must pause the campaign first by clicking the Pause button. The Pause button may be disabled if approvals is turned on, depending on the campaign state and / or your permissions.

When the Campaign status is Completed or Cancelled, and the campaign is past its end date, the Remove State button is enabled. Click the button to clear the background data from the Campaign.


Brief is a rich text field where you can include a detailed campaign brief, including images.


Metrics displays a snapshot of the campaign across four tabs and can be configured to display dashboards and campaign totals broken down by a variety of campaign metrics. There is also an activity log that lists all actions taken within the campaign. Note that these metrics are removed when a campaign is complete and the nightly SQL housekeeping job has run:

  • Profile: This is a Dashboard tab that is intended to provide an overview of the campaign's target audience. It supports all standard dashboard functionality and will display gadgets that provide information about the audience, though later segmentation will select exactly which recipients will be targeted. To access/add Dashboards click Enable Design.
  • Results: This is another dashboard tab, but this will be filtered to display recipients that have any campaign responses associated with them. The dashboard will therefore display the results of the campaign over time as response data is captured and recorded.
  • Totals: This tab will display actual campaign results from the real time campaign broken down by Tracks.
  • Activity Log: The log will display a configurable snapshot of campaign activity and enables administrators to monitor the state of the campaign as it runs. The view does not refresh automatically - click the refresh icon to the right of the column headers. Note that a set number of log entries are passed to the client for display at one time. This is 500 by default and can be changed by editing the activitylogbatchsize setting in Campaign Manager Admin. Scroll to the bottom of the log to fetch another batch of entries from the database up to a hard limit of 5,000. Other functionality is available by clicking the icons:
    • Export the log as a text file. Note that only the entries currently displayed in the browser will be exported, up to the limit of 5,000.
    • Refresh the view to show the latest log entries.
    • This will open a window where the user is able to filter the view according to the type of message or a combination of selection parameters including ' Is equal to ', ' Starts with ' and ' Contains '. Note that the filter will only apply to the entries currently displayed. Sort the log by clicking on the column headings and then use the filter options to return the required results. For example, an error which occurred two days previously may have fallen out of the default range of the log, but if you sort the log on the Date and Time column then you can locate errors that were logged within a specific time period.

Note that the entire log is limited to a maximum of 5,000 rows to ensure consistent response times for log queries.


All Tactics that have been set up for the campaign are displayed across the bottom of the screen. You can double-click on each one to get a snapshot of any associated creatives. This gives the user an immediate visual preview of the campaign's creative content.

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